Monday, January 4, 2010

New Cleveland Indians Manager Manny Acta

Manny Acta is the new Tribe Skipper for 2010. He is now 40 years old, which makes him reasonably young, typical for a Mark Shapiro hire.

He was manager of the Washington Nationals, a perennial doormat in the National League. He wasn't able to turn that around. The team improved slighty the first year, but had a worse record each succeeding year he was there.

Of course, the reason managers are available is almost always because they got fired somewhere else. Tribe fans can hope Acta learned some things in Washington.

Thanks to Wikipedia for the stats.


Who Are These New Cleveland Indians?

If you remember the beginning of the movie, Major League, one of the questions the fans were asking was "Who are these guys?" For the last few years, there has been so much turnover with the Cleveland Indians, people are again asking that question.

So for now, that's what this blog is trying to answer. With the need to continue a reduced payroll, it is likely Tribe Fans will continue to see players come and go quickly. And maybe coaches as well. We will try to keep you up to date on what is happening.